
Volunteer Digs & Public Outreach
The Archaeological Survey provides opportunities for people to participate in on-going excavations at selected sites in western New York. Our goals are to educate people about local and regional history and the importance of preserving archaeological sites and cultural heritage, while providing an outlet for the interest and enthusiasm generated by archaeology. Volunteer dig opportunities are associated with current projects and ongoing research interests of the Survey.
Groundwork Buffalo Student Excavation, New York
Hull House Archaeological Project, New York
In addition, the Archaeological Survey plays a role in the western New York community by providing information about local and regional history, and about our methods, our findings and research progress. Information reaches the public through many venues including presentations at schools, museums and libraries. Please consider the Archaeological Survey lab and as a venue for field trips and the possibility of visiting a local sites or projects. Use our contact information to find out about our current whereabouts.
Broderick Park: Underground Railroad Station in Buffalo, New York